Are Pears A Laxative? August 30, 2019Foodanswers Comment A laxative is any substance which induces bowel movements, and while there are several reasons a person might want to take one the [...]
Can Hamsters Eat Pears? August 27, 2019Foodanswers Comment Pet owners always love to give their pets a tasty treat from time to time, no matter what the pet is. Hamsters are [...]
Can Rabbits Eat Pears? August 27, 2019Foodanswers Comment Rabbits are mostly known for eating carrots and leafy greens, but anyone who has ever owned one knows that there are many other [...]
Are Pears High In Fiber? August 17, 2019Foodanswers Comment Fiber is an essential part of any healthy diet. Not only does it aid in the digestion process and encourage bowel movements, but [...]
Can Pears Be Frozen? August 15, 2019Foodanswers Comment Freezing fruits is a great way to preserve them and enjoy them well past the time when they would normally go bad. One [...]
Are Pears A Citrus Fruit? August 6, 2019Foodanswers Comment Citrus fruits are those which come from a specific family of trees, namely the flowering plants of the rue family. These fruits are [...]
Are Pears High In Carbs? August 4, 2019Foodanswers Comment Many people are on low carb or no carb diets, such as the Atkins Diet, in an attempt to get their weight under [...]
Can Pears Give You Heartburn? July 16, 2019Foodanswers Comment Heartburn, also known as acid indigestion, is a burning sensation in the chest which is caused by gastric acid making it’s way too [...]
Are Pears Acidic Or Alkaline? July 3, 2019Foodanswers Comment Many nutritionists advice people to keep track of the acidity of the foods they eat, because they believe that maintaining a slightly alkaline [...]
Can Pears Pollinate Apples? June 30, 2019Foodanswers Comment All flowering plants require pollination in order to blossom and produce fruit. Some plants can pollinate themselves, in a process known as self-pollination, [...]