Is Spinach High In Purines? September 12, 2019Foodanswers Comment Purines are essential for a healthy body and they are found in a number of different foods, including spinach. Those who have problems [...]
Is Spinach Bad For Kidney Stones? September 8, 2019Foodanswers Comment Those who have problems with kidney stones will definitely want to avoid eating spinach as much as possible. Because spinach contains oxalate which [...]
Can Spinach Cause Constipation? August 27, 2019Foodanswers Comment Those who have problems with constipation will want to stay away from certain foods including spinach. Because spinach has so much fiber in [...]
Is Spinach In The Cabbage Family? August 19, 2019Foodanswers Comment Spinach actually belongs to the Spinacia genus and is a member of the goosefoot or Chenopodiaceae family which is not related to cabbage [...]
Is Spinach An Aphrodisiac? August 17, 2019Foodanswers Comment Spinach is considered by some to be an aphrodisiac because of the fact that it is very high in magnesium which in effect [...]
Can Spinach Be Frozen? August 15, 2019Foodanswers Comment Spinach can most definitely be frozen and it is highly recommended that you do so if you plan on keeping it around for [...]
Is Spinach High In Fiber? August 15, 2019Foodanswers Comment In the recommended serving size for spinach which is about 4 cups, there is as few as 20 calories and 2 grams of [...]
Is Spinach Bad For Acid Reflux? August 15, 2019Foodanswers Comment There are certain foods which are especially good for acid reflux, including spinach because of the fact that it is classified as an [...]
Is Spinach A Laxative? August 12, 2019Foodanswers 1 There are a number of different foods that can act as a natural laxative, including spinach. This particular vegetable along with other leafy [...]
Is Spinach High In Sodium? July 16, 2019Foodanswers Comment In a half cup of spinach there is about 375 mg of sodium which is quite a significant amount, especially when compared to [...]