Does Squid Have Blood? September 15, 2019November 13, 2019Foodanswers 1 Squid does in fact have blood and it is very rich in copper as well as protein hemocyanin which plays an important role [...]
Is Salmon High In Purines? September 14, 2019November 13, 2019Foodanswers Comment Salmon along with other foods such as liver, turkey, and trout contain a moderately high amount of purines and therefore should be consumed [...]
Does Tuna Have Omega 3? September 10, 2019Foodanswers Comment Tuna does in fact have a significant amount of omega 3 in it which means that it can prevent certain health problems such [...]
Is Tuna Considered Meat? September 7, 2019Foodanswers Comment Tuna is classified as a salt water fish and it is from the family of “Scombridae†which is part of the genus “Thunnusâ€. [...]
Does Salmon Need To Be Cooked? September 2, 2019Foodanswers Comment It is highly recommended that you cook the salmon you take home from the supermarket, simply because eating it raw could expose you [...]
Is Tuna Bad For Dogs? August 27, 2019Foodanswers Comment It is acceptable for dogs to eat tuna or tuna salad as long as you feed it to them in moderation. Like any [...]
Is Salmon A Good Source Of Protein? August 27, 2019Foodanswers Comment Salmon is in fact a great source of protein and it is low in fat so you will not have to feel guilty [...]
Can Salmon Cause Diarrhea? August 26, 2019Foodanswers Comment Because salmon is considered to be a very oily fish, it can sometimes cause problems with diarrhea. Those who regularly take fish oil [...]
Should Tuna Be Refrigerated? August 25, 2019Foodanswers Comment You should most definitely make sure to refrigerate the tuna that you get home from the supermarket, whether it is canned or fresh, [...]
Is Salmon An Amphibian? August 20, 2019Foodanswers Comment The salmon is considered to be a fish and comes from the Salmonidae family. There are two other types of fish which are [...]