Garlic can in fact get rid of moles on the skin but there is a certain way of doing it which you will want to follow in order to get the best possible results. You will need to make sure that you put a small clove of garlic on your face, using a different individual clove for each application or mole. You can also concoct a mixture of honey and garlic which will be applied directly to the areas on your skin where there are moles that you want removed.
Make sure to use 1 tablespoon of flaxseeds as well so you can enhance its ability to get rid of the moles on your skin. When you are applying this mixture to your skin, you will want to leave it on for about 15 to 20 minutes. Another important tip to follow is that you will want to dampen the moles that you are trying to remove before putting the garlic on. Massage the garlic mixture into the moles on your skin and eventually they will disappear completely.