Are Walnuts High In Fat? July 30, 2019Foodanswers Comment While it is true that fat makes up almost fifty percent of a walnut’s weight, they are not the kinds of fat that [...]
How Should Pecans Be Stored? July 29, 2019Foodanswers Comment The pecans that you bring home from the store should be stored either in the refrigerator or in the freezer depending on when [...]
Are Walnuts Fruits Or Vegetables? July 17, 2019Foodanswers 1 There are still a lot of misconceptions about walnuts being vegetables when in reality they are not. Nuts are simply a hard-shelled form [...]
Do Pecans Cause Migraines? July 2, 2019Foodanswers Comment Those who suffer from problems with migraines will definitely want to take the time to look into which foods can trigger them. Nuts [...]
Are Walnuts Tree Nuts? June 30, 2019Foodanswers Comment Walnuts come from trees in the Juglans genus, specifically Persian walnuts which are also referred to as Juglans regia. The seeds which walnuts [...]
Do Pecans Cause Constipation? June 22, 2019Foodanswers Comment Pecans among other types of foods are actually good for those who suffer from constipation because they contain numerous vitamins and minerals that [...]
Do Pecans Need To Be Soaked? June 18, 2019Foodanswers Comment Pecans as well as other types of nuts can be soaked but you will want to make sure that you soak them for [...]
Can I Use Expired Pecans? June 18, 2019Foodanswers Comment Although you are able to use expired pecans when making a certain dish or eating them raw, it is not recommended as they [...]
Are Peaches And Almonds Related? June 14, 2019Foodanswers Comment Peaches and almonds are in fact related. They are both a part of the “Prenus†genus. Peaches are referred to as prunus persica [...]
Do Pecans Cause Diarrhea? June 4, 2019Foodanswers Comment Since there is really nothing in nuts that causes diarrhea, if you have this reaction after eating pecans it is likely that you [...]