Although you will find that growing tomatoes indoors is very possible, there are some challenges which can be a problem for those who do not know what they are doing. There are special considerations which you will have to keep in mind, such as temperature, pollination, and even the light requirements of the plants that you are growing. In order to successfully grow your tomatoes, you will need to make a point of doing research into the specific kind that you are growing so that you will be able to get everything just right.
There is a very specific temperature and light level that certain tomatoes need in order to stay healthy and thrive. While these vegetables can in fact be grown inside, it will take quite a bit of effort on your part before you can see the fruits of your labor. Just make sure that you take as much time as possible to do research before making any final decisions as to which type of tomatoes you want to plant and therefore what their requirements are going to be like.