For the best and fullest crop, strawberries should be exposed to direct sunlight. However, you can get a harvest with merely six hours of direct sunlight each day. The more sunlight your strawberries get, the more berries you’ll harvest and the better quality they’ll be.
Other points to consider when planting strawberries, which will raise your chances of having a more quality harvest, are to choose a site that has good drainage. This way your berries won’t sit and sulk in their water. If you don’t have a spot that already has good drainage, grow your berries in a raised bed or in containers. Try placing your crops on a slope facing south or east. And if partial shade is your only choice, never fear. While it’s not ideal for strawberries, they will grow ok. Some crops that may also do well in partial sunlight include broccoli, cherry tomatoes, herbs and aloe.